
Help Transform Communities


Please note: Your gift is fully tax deductible by Inland Revenue at 33.3% for donations to humanitarian work, community development, child sponsorship and NZ Aid projects. If it is for evangelism, church planting and supporting church workers it is refunded at 8% - being a refund of the portion of administration charges used to run the NZ office.

Credit card

Internet Banking Direct Credit

BNZ Tauranga Branch, account number 02-0432-0234652-000. Use the country name as the reference

Thank you for your kind support of our work, we appreciate your generosity.

It is our policy to send one official Donation Tax Receipt at the end of our financial year in March. You will receive this around May and this receipt is for all donations made over the financial year.

However, if you require email confirmation of your donation by internet banking, we are more than happy to do this. Please email and advise your full name, address, contact number, amount, and date of donation.

If you have any questions please call 0800 463337