Founders Fund

Support the Founder’s Fund to equip local evangelists and church planters, spreading the Gospel to unreached communities.

The legacy of International Needs is to transform lives and change communities. We believe, that without knowing the Gospel or hearing the word of God, this transformation is short lived.

In 1974, Ray Harrison, founder of International Needs, had a vision to support local indigenous leaders in reaching their own communities. Fifty years ago, a seed of compassion was planted in the hearts of visionary individuals, inspired by the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ to love our neighbours as ourselves. Through unwavering dedication and steadfast commitment, this seed grew into the global mission of International Needs, touching countless lives with hope, healing, and transformation.

To continue this mission, the Founder’s Fund was created. It provides financial assistance to local church planters, evangelists, and community workers who are bringing the message of Christ to unreached people. By supporting the Founder’s Fund, you are equipping these workers with the resources they need to further God’s kingdom on earth.

Additionally, the Founder’s Fund helps us build a lasting endowment that will continue to support these efforts for generations. Through this fund, you can leave a legacy that will transform lives and communities long into the future.


Ways to Leave a Bequest to the Founder’s Fund: 

Ray at ACTS Graduation 1981-2-2

My Residuary Estate

This is where you leave the remainder of your estate to International Needs New Zealand, after all estate debts, expenses, and the needs of other named beneficiaries have been met. 

Your paragraph text (2)

A Percentage of My Estate %

You can leave a percentage of your estate to International Needs New Zealand, after all estate debts and expenses have been settled.

Your paragraph text

A Specific Gift

You can leave a specific sum of money or particular assets such as real estate, a painting, or a life insurance policy. 

Your paragraph text (3)

Your support will bring lasting transformation through the Gospel and provide hope to those who need it most. Thank you for considering leaving a legacy with the International Needs Founder’s Fund. 


If you'd like to know more about the Founder’s Fund and how you can be part of this vital mission, please contact us at or call us at 0800 463 337. 

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