

When a person's most basic needs are met, they have the best opportunity for success. One of the most meaningful ways you can help children is by providing them with the tools and support to learn and to grow. By providing them with access to education, opportunity is unlocked and children become empowered to take charge of their lives. We believe every child deserves an education. For as little as $55 a month, you can give a child that and so much more.


By providing access to tertiary education, opportunity is unlocked not only for the student but also their family and their community. Higher education helps break generational poverty and children become empowered to take charge of their lives.
International Needs aims to give opportunity to those students who thrive academically in school to further their studies whether it be through university, college, vocational training or apprenticeships so that they can fulfil their dreams and aspirations and achieve their goals.

Why not consider helping students who would not normally have an opportunity to further their studies. Many students perform very well academically, however due to poor financial resources, are not able to afford the cost of higher education or training. With your help, we can level the playing field and give these incredibly hard working students the chance of a better future.

National Workers

Gospel Outreach is the cornerstone and foundation of why International Needs was established over 45 years ago. Everything we do, is because we believe that knowing Jesus creates long lasting change in transforming someone’s life. The national workers are engaged in activities such as Gospel Outreach programs, including church planting, Bible distribution, Seminary-in-a-Suitcase outreach programs, children and youth ministries, refugee camp ministry, and disaster relief when needed.

These National workers need supporting as they often have no other income to support their families. They also need support with transportation to reach remote villages, and resources to be able to share with these people. Why not partner with an International Needs National Worker

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